All videos for the tag : Pull (4 videos)
EspectaVideos – Underwater Fight This is a hard discipline, besides of being floating in water all the time they must also deal with the tough fight. All this happens under the water in waterpolo!!! See how competitive women can be in sports. EspectaVideos All this happens under the water !!! Share, like and subscribe for…
Just Some Shit i Did Cause I Was Bored Credits : Natalie – SL Name : Natallliee / IMVU Name : Blare Kamani – SL Name : Kamani.moyet / Youtube Channel : tatiyana harvy Audio : BGC6 Kori Vs Ashley , BGC6 Kori VS Lauren , & BGC7 Opening Editing Software – Sony Vegas Pro…
The women – who include a model and university undergraduate – are part of a new all-female fighting craze started in Nottingham, where they are paid to floor each other with wrestling moves.
ok we’re best friends and we were fighting for fun which explains all the laughing and stopping in the middle. We both would actually whoop ass in a real fight…I mean come on- we’re fucking Asian! My favorite part was when I was on top of her and went “hey look I’m planking!”